
Showing posts from May, 2023

Application ID: PFWRD23021001

Brief Details:  Thanga Raj Chelliah received the Diploma in Eng. from the Government Polytechnic College, Nagercoil, in 1996, the B.Eng. degree from the Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, in 2002, the M.Eng. degree from the Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, in 2009 (all in electrical engineering). He has a few years of industrial experience, where he was involved in energy conservation activities in electrical equipment. He developed the Hydropower Simulation Laboratory (please click   here   for the annual report 2022) in the Department of Water Resources Development and Management (WRDM), IIT Roorkee, in 2015, which is committed to the research funded by national agencies, including THDC India Ltd., Rishikesh, the Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru, iHub DivyaSampark, IIT Roorkee, the National Mission on Power Electronics Technology (NaMPET, MietY), the Min...

Application ID: ASWRD23021001

  Brief Details:   Dr. Kasiviswanathan K S is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Water Resources Development and Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India. He graduated with BE in Civil Engineering from Anna University, MTech in Water Resources Development from IIT Roorkee, and Ph.D. in Quantification of uncertainty in hydrological models from IIT Madras. His current research focuses on reservoir operation, flood forecasting, geospatial data analysis, machine learning approaches for hydrological modeling, and uncertainty quantification. Before joining IIT Roorkee, he worked as an Assistant Professor (Grade I) at IIT Mandi for two years. After the Ph.D., he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher for about two and half years at the University of Calgary, Canada, and Heriot-Watt University, UK. He has published more than 20 papers (of which 14 papers as the corresponding author) in high-impact factor peer-reviewed journals during the last four years ...

Application ID: APWRD23RA1029

  Brief Details: Dr. Sonam Sandeep Dash is a highly motivated and experienced scholar seeking an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Water Resources Development and Management at IIT Roorkee. Currently, he is working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Civil Engineering at the University College Dublin. I received my Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering from IIT Kharagpur in 2022 and have since developed a robust research agenda focused on physically-based hydrological model development, modeling hydrological extremes, and remote sensing derived vegetation mapping. Dr. Dash's research has been published in top-tier journals in Water Resources Engineering and has been presented at international conferences such as American Geophysical Union, and European Geophysical Union. Their current research focuses on sustainable catchment management, particularly interested in integrated process-based models and remote sensing-based approaches for modeling hydrological ...