Application ID: ASWRD23021001


Brief Details: 

Dr. Kasiviswanathan K S is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Water Resources Development and Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India. He graduated with BE in Civil Engineering from Anna University, MTech in Water Resources Development from IIT Roorkee, and Ph.D. in Quantification of uncertainty in hydrological models from IIT Madras. His current research focuses on reservoir operation, flood forecasting, geospatial data analysis, machine learning approaches for hydrological modeling, and uncertainty quantification. Before joining IIT Roorkee, he worked as an Assistant Professor (Grade I) at IIT Mandi for two years. After the Ph.D., he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher for about two and half years at the University of Calgary, Canada, and Heriot-Watt University, UK. He has published more than 20 papers (of which 14 papers as the corresponding author) in high-impact factor peer-reviewed journals during the last four years of tenure at IIT Roorkee. He has edited two books published in Elsevier and MDPI. He has research projects funded by DST, Swedish Research Council, and Tehri Hydropower Corporation, worth approximately three crores INR in collaboration with reputed institutes worldwide. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards such as the Berkner fellowship from the American Geophysical Union, USA, the Sivapalan Young Scientist award from the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, United Kingdom, Early Career Research award, SERB, India, and the Eyes High Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Calgary, Canada.

Title of Talk: Development of a web-based rainfall intensity duration frequency (IDF) curves over India under present and future climatic conditions

Research Abstract

Design rainfall estimate is crucial for stormwater management, the design of various hydraulic structures, and risk and reliability assessments in disaster management. This study developed grid-based rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves for India through the modeling framework, which integrates statistical methods, computational algorithms, and mathematical models. As obtaining the observed fine-resolution rainfall data across India is challenging, satellite-based rainfall products were used to develop the modeling framework. IMERG, a satellite-based sub-hourly rainfall data with a spatial resolution of 10x10 km, was extracted for this endeavor. The long-term IMD gridded rainfall data collected from 1901 to 2019 at a daily scale was utilized to bias correct the satellite rainfall data and then disaggregate the daily scale IMD data into sub-hourly data. It is obvious that the uncertainty arising from the model structure, parameters, and data affects the estimate of design rainfall. Therefore, methods have been developed to quantify the uncertainty at different levels to improve the reliability of the estimate. Several bias correction methods were investigated to identify the best method specific to the region. Different statistical and machine learning models were developed at every grid level to disaggregate the IMD daily rainfall data into sub-hourly data. Further, the modeling framework was extended to future projected rainfall data for developing the IDF curves under the climate change scenarios.

The outcome of the modeling framework was integrated with a web-based tool, which can be easily used by the end users, including researchers, academicians, city planners, and policymakers. With this tool, the user can select any region of interest to obtain the design rainfall of desired return period from the IDF curves developed for the present and future periods. 

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