Dr. Gaurav Saini

Brief Details: Dr. Gaurav Saini is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Saini has Post-Doctoral Fellow experience with the Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Before joining IIT Kanpur, Dr. Saini was serving as the Assistant Professor (Temporary) in the School of Advanced Materials, Green Energy and Sensor Systems, IIEST Shibpur India. Dr. Saini received his Ph.D. in Energy Harvesting (Hydrokinetic Turbines) in 2020 and his M. Tech (Energy Systems) in 2014 from IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. His research areas include Renewable Energy harvesting (Hydrokinetic Energy, Wind Power,), Turbomachines, and Fluid Power. He has published several research publications on renewable energy technologies in different international journals of repute. Research: Design and Development of Hybrid Cross-flow Technology to Harness the Hydrokinetic...