Application ID: APWRD23RA1028



Brief Details:

Dr Mahesh Patel received his B.E. in Civil Engineering branch from the Samrat Ashok Technological Institute Vidisha in 2010. He has completed his M. Tech. in Water Resources Engineering and Management discipline from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in 2012, and PhD from the same institute in 2017. At present, he is working since Jan 2018 as an Assistant Professor Grade – I in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (Punjab). Prior to this, he has worked as a Research Scientist in the Department of Environmental Sciences at a post-doctoral level on Yamuna River Project (YRP) funded by the University of Virginia, USA from Oct 2017 to Dec 2017. Dr Patel research interests are experimental hydraulics, sediment transport, turbulent fluvial flows, and river engineering. He has published more than 50 papers in national and international journals and conferences with reputed publishers. Currently, he is working on sponsored project related to flow and bed morphology in steep mountain streams funded by CRG, SERB Govt. of India.

Title of the Presentation: Flow and Bed-morphology in Seepage Affected Alluvial Channels and Possible Research Directions

In the research presentation, I would highlight the problems occurring in natural channels. In which natural channels are permeable in nature, which allow water to penetrate through them in the lateral directions i.e. seepage. I would discuss the experimental approach to investigate the effect of downward seepage on a threshold alluvial channel morphology and corresponding turbulent flow characteristics. In this approach, experiments were conducted on a 20m long, 1m wide, and 0.72m deep glass-sided large tilting flume with an adjustable bed slope. Further, I would discuss the observations during the experiments, while showing that Shields stress of the threshold channel is significantly increased from its critical value after the application of downward seepage, leading to the deformation of the cross-sectional shape and subsequent development of bed-features such as bedforms and sheet layers. For understanding this phenomenon, the role of turbulence in the development of bed-features has also been investigated. Measures of turbulent statistics showed that the time-mean velocities and Reynolds stresses are increased significantly with the application of downward seepage. In order to get an insight of flow, integral scales of flow are evaluated and it is found that scales of eddy length and eddy turnover time increase significantly with the application of downward seepage. It has been established that the geometry of bedforms is linked with the size of eddies. Also, the hydraulics of sheet flow is defined by formulating an empirical equation for the sheet flow rate with the consideration of downward seepage. In future research work, experiments in the laboratory by using different grain sizes and seepage percentages can be performed to get more clarity about bed-features dynamics and progradation on a curvilinear cross-sectional shape channel. Apart from this, field study in natural streams to under this phenomenon can also be carried out.

Title of Talk: Fundamentals of Fluvial Hydrodynamics

The topics covered in this teaching presentation are related to fluid dynamics and specifically focus on aspects of turbulent flow. These include the Reynolds velocity composition, which decomposes the total velocity into mean and fluctuating components; the mixing length theory, which estimates eddy viscosity in turbulent flows; and the different regions that make up the boundary layer in a fluid flow over a solid surface, including the viscous sublayer, transition or buffer layer, turbulent wall shear layer, and turbulent outer layer. Additionally, the presentation explains the differences in velocity profiles between flows over smooth and rough surfaces and describes the different types of turbulent flows based on their shear Reynolds number. Understanding these topics is important for analyzing and predicting fluid flow behavior in engineering and scientific applications.

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