Application ID: APWRD23RA1039
Brief Details:
Dr. Manali Pal , currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering (Remote Sensing and GIS Division ) in National Institute of Technology Warangal, Telangana. I She did her B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering in Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya followed by M. Tech. in Earth System Sciences and Technology, from IIT Kharagpur. Next, She completed my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Rajib Maity, from IIT Kharagpur in 2018. The thesis is titled as "Probabilistic Estimation of surface and vertical soil moisture profile based on remotely sensed observations". After completion of PhD, She worked as an RA in IIT KGP for some time, before joining in Japan Agency for marine Earth- Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) as a visiting scientist. Next, She joined as visiting scholar in Glenn Department of Civil Engineering in Clemson University, USA. After that She joined in NIT Warangal in 2020. Her research interest mainly lies in Hydrology; Climate Change; Soil Moisture Retrieval using Remote Sensing; Stochastic Modelling; Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Title of Talk:
Estimation of surface and vertical profile- soil moisture information using remote sensing data
During my PhD, I utilized the quad-polarized Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR) data to estimate surface soil moisture content (SMC) along with the associated uncertainty using copula. The study is extended to develop a stochastic model to prepare a fine resolution Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG)-wise 3-dimensional vertical soil moisture profile map for entire India by assimilating the surface soil moisture data provided by ESA Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI) program into the model. The information of HSG is incorporated to impart the spatial transferability.
To characterize drought with recent Microwave satellite soil moisture data
The unavailability of fine resolution soil moisture data, especially at deeper layers has resultant in less understanding of its role on large scale hydro-climatological processes and extremes such as drought. The agricultural drought is primarily caused by soil moisture content deficits and can be assessed more accurately by drought indices based on soil moisture. However, the immense utility of satellite-based soil moisture data to assess agricultural drought was throttled until recently with the unavailability of high resolution, large scale, consistent over space and time and quality satellite soil moisture product. Recently, the European Space Agency's (ESA) program on global monitoring of the Essential Climate Variables (ECV) includes the SM Climate Change Initiative (CCI). As part of this initiative multi-satellite merged surface soil moisture data set is developed to provide daily global SM at 0.25°×0.25° spatial resolution. Additionally, NASA launched Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) on 2015 to provide a daily surface soil moisture data at a resolution of 9 km × 9 km at global scale. These advancements call for a potential to achieve a soil moisture index using high resolution (both temporally and spatially) using these satellite-based soil moisture products to evaluate the agricultural drought over entire India. Consequently, the short-term and long-term negative drought condition can be analyzed in terms of the derived drought index.
Teaching: Probabilistic Estimation of Surface and Vertical Soil Moisture Profile using Satellite-based Remotely Sensed Observations
imparted the aspiration to explore and expand my research in
Hydro-climatological studies using
Microwave Remote Sensing data. This precise interest has been fortunately
driven further by the opportunity to teach at my current position enabling me to delve into the basic
principles of the same especially of the Microwave Remote Sensing. Following
are detail of the courses (theory and laboratory), I have been teaching for the
last 3 years in NIT Warangal,
Thermal, Microwave and Hyperspectral Remote
Sensing (TMHR) (M.TECH 1st Year)
Remote Sensing (B.TECH 2nd Year)
Principles of Remote Sensing (M.TECH 1st
Applications of RS and GIS in water resources
and environmental engineering (M.TECH 1st Year)
on my previous experience of teaching in NITW and the topic that is similar
with the course curriculum in IIT Roorkee, my teaching topic would be “Fundamentals
of Remote Sensing”. The topic would cover mostly the basic principles
of remote sensing with a brief basics of Microwave Remote Sensing.
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