Dr. Bhumika Uniyal


Brief Details:

I am working as an environmental scientist at Data Capture and Automatization team of KWS, a multi-national seed breeding company in Germany. I have been extensively working with the several above and below ground sensors for real-time environmental monitoring and its data management. Furthermore, I am also working in a project for providing the real-time irrigation recommendation to the different breeding stations and farmers for corn and sugarbeet across different agro-climates. Before that I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Bayreuth University, Germany where I had used agro-hydrological modelling to assess the impact of climate change on water quantity, water quality, sediment load and crop yield at watershed level for different catchments located in Bavaria, Germany. Furthermore, I have an extensive experience in modelling hydrology and water resources management of agricultural dominated catchments around the world (Chile, Germany, Vietnam, USA and India) ranging from arid to humid climate. Additionally, I had previously managed two projects with the Bavarian government dealing with the impact of future droughts and floods on sediments loads in streams in combination with supervising master thesis and taking master courses at the University.


In research presentation, I will talk about three main questions around which my whole PhD dissertation was based on. These are How good is the soil moisture simulated by catchment models? How good is the plant growth simulated by catchment models and how good are catchment models in simulating agricultural water demand in different regions of the world? Corresponding to each objective I will talk about the need to conduct that study, study area, workflow, and major findings. Additionally, I will also show climate change impact on different ecosystem services for two catchments located in Bavaria. Furthermore, I will also talk about my current role and research at the company where until now we have evaluated a lot of real-time weather and soil sensors at field scale. After that I will explain in brief about the direction of future research in the research and development team at the company.


In this presentation, I will explain the basics of irrigation and its management, why it is important and how to quantify it. Thereafter, I will talk about how irrigation is modelled in hydrological and crop models and the existing challenges in irrigation modelling. Furthermore, I will explain how real-time irrigation monitoring is performed at smart farms using a case study.

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