Dr. Swati Sirsant
Brief Details:
I am Dr. Swati Sirsant, currently working as an Assistant Professor at
Nirma University, Gujarat. I did my Post Doctorate from American University of
Sharjah, UAE from October 2021 to April 2022. I did my PhD from IIT Bombay from
2015 to 2021 on the topic “Multi-objective design of Water Distribution
Networks considering mechanical, hydraulic failures and future water demands”.
I completed my masters from VNIT Nagpur in Water Resources Engineering in the
year 2015. I pursued my bachelors from BIT Durg in Civil Engineering from 2009
to 2013. I did my schooling from Durg, Chhattisgarh.
I have expertise in the fields of optimization and water distribution
network design. I have software and coding skills in C++, MATLAB, EPANET,
WaterGems etc. I have published 9 papers in peer reviewed international
journals, 1 book chapter and 2 conference publications held abroad, as well as
5 conference publications in international conferences held in India.
I would be interested in teaching subjects such as Engineering Hydrology at UG level and Water Resource Systems at PG level. My future research interests lie in exploring the leakage detection and valve allocation algorithms for Water Distribution Networks, as well as expand my research in domains such as flood inundation mapping, assessment of climate change impact on water distribution networks performance etc.
My PhD work is on
the topic “Multi-Objective Design of Water Distribution Networks considering
mechanical, hydraulic failures and future water demands”. The paper mainly
comprises of three main parts: (1) Development of improved optimization
techniques for solving WDN design problem (2) Development of a robust
reliability assessment tool and (3) Development of an efficient methodology for
WDN expansion.
Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (SADE) and Multi-Objective Self Adaptive Differential Evolution (MOSADE) algorithms are developed and tested for solving the WDN design problem. The performance of both the algorithms is found to be better than the existing algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Non-domination Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). Thereafter, suitability of various reliability surrogate measures (RSMs) such as entropy, resilience, network resilience as substitutes for reliability is tested. Two new indices combined entropy resilience index (CERI) and combined entropy network resilience (CENRI) are proposed. It is found that CERI performs better than other indices. Finally, two hybrid algorithms, self-adaptive differential evolution-dynamic programming (SADE-DP) and multi-objective self-adaptive differential evolution-dynamic programming (MOSADE-DP) are developed for solving the problem of WDN expansion. On comparing them with the traditional flexible design approach, it is found to be much more efficient and faster.
I would like to
teach subjects such as Engineering Hydrology at UG, and Water Resources Systems
at PG level.
I would like to
develop a course on “Evolutionary Algorithms and Soft Computing Techniques for
Water Resources”
I will bring
innovation in teaching-learning process by incorporating the following points
in the teaching methodology:
• Interactive
methodology by keeping the students engaged in solving simple example problems,
as well as, keeping regular question-answer sessions.
• To
make the teaching-learning process more interesting, examples in terms of
adding graphics and videos will be incorporated in the teaching material.
• Programming
tools and softwares that are employed in the subject area will be included in
the curriculum.
world examples related to the subject will be included in the subject
• Examples from the research papers and applications in different research areas will be incorporated.
• Practical experiments/site visits will be planned for the students so that they get a better understanding of the subject and the real-world challenges.
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