
Showing posts from July, 2024

Dr. J.C. Kuniyal

  Brief Details: Dr. J.C. Kuniyal joined G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Kosi-Katarmal, Almora as Scientist-B on November 1993. At present, Dr. Kuniyal is Scientist-G and has been acting as Head since more than 15 years in the Centre- Environmental Assessment & Climate Change Centre (CEA&CC) of the Institute. As a Principal Investigator, he generated about 32 crores fund from externally funded projects and has so far completed R&D projects on ‘aerosols climatology under Radiative Forcing over India (ARFI)’ ISRO SPL, Trivandrum, and ‘gaseous air pollution’ under Atmospheric Chemistry, Transport and Modelling (AT-CTM) from ISRO PRL, Ahmedabad, ‘black carbon and other aerosol loading over the Parbati Glacier’ from DST, New Delhi, ‘ Fostering climate Smart communities in the Himalayan Region’, ‘natural resource management,’ ‘forest resources and plant biodiversity’, ‘Carrying capacity of tourism’, ‘EIA of hydropower projects’, ‘solid waste man...

Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta

  Brief Details: Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta (Professor) is a resilience and sustainability strategist, internationally recognized as a global DRR leader. He is recently pronounced as NBS man of India in the 15 years ecoDRR global review meeting at UNEP/UNDRR/UNCCD in UN Campus Germany 2024. He is full Professor (at the level of Joint Secretary, GOI) of Policy and Strategies at India's National Institute of Disaster Management (Ministry of Home Affairs), head of Environment, Climate and DRM Division, International Cooperation, and Director of Projects and COEs. He has steered several international and national projects and programmes in cooperation with UN agencies – UNEP, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, WFP, other international bodies like GIZ Germany, ICIMOD, IUCN, IGES Japan, CDKN, ISET-US, ICRC, Keio University Japan, ANU Australia, UNU-EHS Bonn, Central Ministries, ICSSR, CPCB, GEAG, FICCI, etc. He is Chief Editor - Springer Nature book series ‘Disaster Resilience and Green Growth’. He represente...

Dr. Saritha Padiyedath Gopalan

  Brief Details:  Dr. Saritha Padiyedath Gopalan is working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo. She has completed Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Agricultural Engineering from the Kerala Agricultural University in November 2011. She has secured the university level first rank with a CGPA of 8.65 in B. Tech and received the ‘Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award-Endowment Gold Medal’ from the Kerala Agricultural University. In 2011, she appeared for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) and secured 90 th Rank in Agricultural Engineering. Soon after  B. Tech , She did Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Water Management from the School of Water Resources, IIT Kharagpur from July 2012 to June 2014. She has secured a CGPA of 9.6 out of 10, which was the second best of the department after the top CGPA of 9.61. After graduation, she was interested in continuing her research and pursue PhD from a reputed institution in India or abroad....

Dr. Vamsi Krishna Vema

  Brief Details: Dr. Vamsi Krishna Vema is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal. He worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University, USA, prior to joining the current position, with the focus on reducing nutrient loading in the water bodies using a cover cropping system. Dr. Vamsi Krishna Vema received his Ph.D. and M. Tech degrees in the discipline of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering from IIT Madras. His research is focused on development of the hydrological model and its application for climate resilient watershed management decisions. His research interest includes hydrologic modelling, developing DSS for watershed management, parameterization of watershed models, sensitivity analysis, optimal allocation of resources, decision making under uncertainty, and application of soft computing tools for water resources problems. He is currently involved ...