Dr. J.C. Kuniyal

Brief Details: Dr. J.C. Kuniyal joined G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Kosi-Katarmal, Almora as Scientist-B on November 1993. At present, Dr. Kuniyal is Scientist-G and has been acting as Head since more than 15 years in the Centre- Environmental Assessment & Climate Change Centre (CEA&CC) of the Institute. As a Principal Investigator, he generated about 32 crores fund from externally funded projects and has so far completed R&D projects on ‘aerosols climatology under Radiative Forcing over India (ARFI)’ ISRO SPL, Trivandrum, and ‘gaseous air pollution’ under Atmospheric Chemistry, Transport and Modelling (AT-CTM) from ISRO PRL, Ahmedabad, ‘black carbon and other aerosol loading over the Parbati Glacier’ from DST, New Delhi, ‘ Fostering climate Smart communities in the Himalayan Region’, ‘natural resource management,’ ‘forest resources and plant biodiversity’, ‘Carrying capacity of tourism’, ‘EIA of hydropower projects’, ‘solid waste man...