Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta


Brief Details:

Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta (Professor) is a resilience and sustainability strategist, internationally recognized as a global DRR leader. He is recently pronounced as NBS man of India in the 15 years ecoDRR global review meeting at UNEP/UNDRR/UNCCD in UN Campus Germany 2024. He is full Professor (at the level of Joint Secretary, GOI) of Policy and Strategies at India's National Institute of Disaster Management (Ministry of Home Affairs), head of Environment, Climate and DRM Division, International Cooperation, and Director of Projects and COEs. He has steered several international and national projects and programmes in cooperation with UN agencies – UNEP, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, WFP, other international bodies like GIZ Germany, ICIMOD, IUCN, IGES Japan, CDKN, ISET-US, ICRC, Keio University Japan, ANU Australia, UNU-EHS Bonn, Central Ministries, ICSSR, CPCB, GEAG, FICCI, etc. He is Chief Editor - Springer Nature book series ‘Disaster Resilience and Green Growth’. He represented at several international forums, delegations abroad and contributed to negotiation, cooperation dialogues and bilateral MoUs.

At present, Dr. Gupta is Chief PI/PD of innovative strategic project "National Highway Climate Adaptation Policy and Guidelines", Head of "COE on Climate, Disasters and Health" under MoH&FW/NPCCHH, PI/PD of “Chemical-Industrial Safety and Emergency Response Capacity-Promotion” project with DCPC/MoC&F and ‘NDMP of Food & PD Sector” with MoFPD/FCI. He is known for strategic and policy contributions at national and sub-national levels including National Disaster Management Plan, Climate Action Plans (National, States), Sectoral DRR Plans (of Central Ministries – Agriculture & FW, MoEFCC, DCPC/MoCF, MoAYUSH), National Drought Management Manual, National DRR Human Resource Capacity Building Plan, National Health Adaptation Plan, National Action Plan on Chemical Disasters, Post-HFA DRR strategies, Bangkok declaration, etc. Dr. Gupta was Anchoring Officer for drafting India’s National Adaptation Communication (for DRR) and UNCCD (for Drought). He has more than 180 publications to his credit including high impact journal papers, books, policy papers, plan documents, manuals, etc. He was recipient of Young Scientist Award in Environment and Forestry in 1996, Excellence Award 2012 of Society for Occupational & Environmental Health and the Outstanding Contributions Award of UN-PEDRR (UNEP, UNDRR Germany) in 2023. He is Member - the Scientific Advisory Committee of GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment Almora (MoEFCC), and served Research Advisory Board of Development Alternatives (DA), BoS of TERI SAS, GGSIPU, JNU Special Academic Committee, DST Policy Research Centre at IIT Indore, etc. He has been the coordinator of the National Book on Disaster Management and also authored standard Textbook on Disaster Management published by AICTE (being translated in 21 languages).

He served as Expert Member of WMO climate statement to UNFCCC, and in Reserach, Academic and Government Bodies of several national and state institutions and as expert member on DRR, CCA, adaptation standards, etc. under several Ministries, etc. Dr. Gupta's DST supported project on Climate Adaptive Planning (CAP-RES) has been rated as ‘Excellent’ and is bestowed with the follow up expansion as COE –ICARS Capacity & Public Policy in Resilience and Sustainability (CAPP-RES, DST-GOI) with IIT Roorkee GNEC. Prof Gupta is presently President - Association of Occupational and Environmental Health (HQ. VMMC Safdarjung Hospital). He is elected Fellow of Society of Earth Scientists and the International Society for Environmental Botany (HQ. CSIR NBRI) and Fellow of Earth Scientists Society (HQ. GSI). Dr. Gupta was offered the prestigious Senior Fellowship with IDRC Canada’s Think Tank Initiative on Policy Research at IEG Delhi, and Senior Technical Advisor (PB-5) at GIZ Germany on CCA-RAI with MoEFCC. He also serves as Programme Committee Chair of World Conference on Disaster Management (WCDM, 2023-25). Dr. Gupta holds throughout first class academic records with M.Sc. (Environment, Sp. Resources), M.Phil. (Environment, Sp. Env. Health), Ph.D. (EIA, Air Pollution), L.L.B. & Post-Doc (CSIR-NEERI) in EIA, Carrying capacity, Policy and Land Environment domains. Before NIDM he worked with University, CSIR, State Government (MP), Public Sector industry (NMDC), consultancy (CICON), and All India Radio. His focus includes science-policy-practice interface for integrated DRR – adaptation, safety & risk mitigation, emergency preparedness, recovery and sustainability.

Research: Policy-linked Research and Action-Research in DRR and Emergency Response Preparedness

Disaster risk reduction (DRR), including adaptation, response, recovery and sustainability integration, is a broad discipline of practice and the developments in its domains require investing in Research-Policy-Practice interface based interventions. There has been significant paradigm shifts in disaster management over the recent decades with the advances in understanding, lessons from dealing with disaster risk and incidences, and global and regional processes including UNDRR, G20, etc. At national level, the guiding principles are driven from the DM Act 2005 and others including environmental laws, National and sectoral disaster management plans, Prime Minister’s 10 point agenda, and regional, inter-governmental and bilateral co-operations. “Policy” and “Capacity building” are the two major focus areas where significant analytical, planning and knowledge synthesis support are much needed to enhance the efficacy of DRR interventions at various levels and across sectors, geographies, community, etc.

India’s global leadership in DRR requires an academic support system that integrates well the researches from various centres/institutes and undertakes strategic research to help identify and address gaps in policy-planning, enhance capacity building resources by innovating and applying tools/methods and gathering/integrating knowledge on various themes of DRR and adaptation. This is also needed to maximize efficiency and impact of policy processes and capacity building interventions. Domains of DRR along with adaptation to climate change and sustainability inclusion, thus, requires developing and sharing synthesis of knowledge, experience and lessons on regular basis, besides evolving prototypes for strategic planning and execution for localizing DRR at different levels as pilots. Also, conducting and collecting case studies to support these processes is important. For this, close linkages and working in collaboration with key central Ministries, apex policy institutions of the country and related international players, is important facet of the approach. Policy-research, Action-Research, Research to support Capacity building, and knowledge synthesis, in different domains of DRR and adaptation to climate change would also include dimensions of ecoDRR/NBS, chemical-industrial safety, occupational health, Post-disaster recovery, Sustainability and resource resilience, etc.


DRR, Adaptation, Emergency response, Policy-planning, Action-research, Knowledge synthesis.

Teaching: Teaching at ICARS – Focus, Programmes and Approaches

Teaching in the domains of DRR, Adaptation and related aspects of emergency response, recovery, sustainability, etc. would require more analytical and practical focus that brings perfect blend of professional advances, i.e. including knowledge, skills and attitude. Programmes at the COE (ICARS) would focus largely on integrating research based knowledge to policy and practice and vice versa. Teaching may include the courses on different aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction, Adaptation to Climate change,  Policy Instruments and Law including EIA, SEA, HRVCA and Human resource strategies, Chemical-Industrial safety, City Risk-Resilience, Disaster Management Planning - Sectoral & Local Strategies, Emergency Response, Recovery including long-term planning and sustainability inclusion, Project planning, etc.

There may be three type of teaching programmes- (a) Short term courses – Certificate programmes and Trainings/Capacity building to a wide range of stakeholders, including from Government, Industry, Consultants, researchers and others, (b) a Ph.D. programme on Disaster Resilience, Recovery and Adaptation, and (c) Executive programme on “Leadership programme on Safety, Resilience and Adaptation” to be taken up with a graded timeline. Tailor-made and demand-driven programmes of different duration particular with Government, international agencies and industry, would also be taken up at ICARS. There would be collaborative approach to involve faculty members from the main campus on specific themes of expertise, besides the experts from Government, industry and international bodies to enrich the teaching programmes.

Teaching methods would use lectures and demonstrations, group exercises, discussions, mock-sessions, practice sessions, tutorials, projects, field visits, assignments, seminars, games, and blended with on-learning, etc. suiting to the target scholars and contents of the session.

Key words:

DRR, Adaptation, Response and Recovery, Chemical safety, Short course, Certificate courses, PhD., Executive programme, Need based course programmes, Blended learning methods.

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