Dr. Gaurav Misuriya


Brief Details:

Dr. Gaurav Misuriya currently holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at NIT Calicut. He earned his doctoral degree from the Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Bombay, specializing in Water Resource Engineering. His doctoral research primarily cantered on the investigation of local scour phenomena around bridge piers of various shapes, encompassing steady, unsteady, and combined wave conditions.

Prior to his doctoral studies, Gaurav completed his M. Tech. degree in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering at IIT Kanpur and obtained his B. Tech. in Civil Engineering from SGSITS, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. He also contributed his expertise as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIT Bombay for a duration of 3 months.

Gaurav's extensive research interests primarily revolve around experimental studies in open channel flow. His contributions to the field include the publication of 4 research articles in highly esteemed journals within the domain of Hydraulic Engineering. Additionally, he actively participated in 7 diverse national and international conferences, further showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge in this field.


Scouring is one of the most common causes of bridge failure. The foundation of a bridge pier gets exposed by scouring around it, which may result into bridge collapse. This necessitates the estimation of scour characteristics for hydraulic design of new bridges and taking precautionary measures to prevent old bridges from failure. Most of the studies on local scour considered the equilibrium condition, however, the likelihood that flood magnitudes would exceed their design values is rising due to increased hydrological uncertainties caused by climate change. Considering equilibrium scour depth corresponding to the peak flow or base flow discharge in the pier design often deviates significantly from the actual value. Therefore, inclusion of the flood wave characteristics becomes important for scour estimation. To contribute to this, the effect of flow unsteadiness on the hydrodynamics and the local scour around a cylindrical pier over a gravel bed was investigated experimentally in terms of the duration of the rising limb of a flow hydrograph. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the 2-dimensional instantaneous velocity. A flow hydrograph with varied rising limb duration (t2) was imposed on the base discharge. The effect of t2 on the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), Q-criterion, spectral, and quadrant analysis were estimated. The depth of scour was observed to increase with t2.


Sediment transport is one of the most challenging and import phenomenon in coastal, hydraulic, and environmental engineering. An intricate understanding of sediment transport serves as the basis for various engineering endeavours, including design of foundation of bridge piers, construction of stable channel, planning of river intake structures and effective settling basin. The main objective of the sediment transport hydraulics is to predict whether the equilibrium condition, erosion (scour) or deposition (silting) will prevail along with the determination of the rates at which these processes will manifest. Hence there is need to study possible causes and investigating the mechanism behind these problems.  This presentation will centre its focus on comprehending the initiation of sediment movement and the fundamental principles governing sediment transport.


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